Wednesday, March 12, 2008


It's hard to tell where everything's going. according to Ray Kurzweil, if we dodge war we will become the next evolutionary step. Something else could slow us down... I mean even if we become super intelligent, where do we go? I saw in last months Scientific American that at the end of the the universe it will be cold and dark with black holes scattered throughout the void. do those lead to white holes? would we even be able to use them? would we have to leave or could we set up an artificial area in the universe that we could continue to live in? I am an atheist, and yet even I have to say that within 100 years, we will have far more virtual universes than the one real one we live in. who is to say that ours isn't in some computer of an advanced race??? would it matter? would we still be able to escape the universe? could a sentient program escape one of our computers and into our world? there are so many questions, and as the organism farthest up evolutions ladder, i believe its our duty to find out. support the grandest scientific projects you can, and get the word out about them.... support peace, happiness and health.
and have a good day

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